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about frank

 Hello! My name is Frank... Yes, yes I'm a beaver. I'm the oldest beaver living beaver in Canada! I was born 1913 which makes me 103! I will tell you a bit about me, like the times I went to war and the times during the great depression!

My short childhood

I was born in December of 1913. During my younger years, I was a feisty one! Always being a pain to our neighbors.. the humans.I would build dams of wood and cut down trees onto their roads! it was fun! All my friends had a nickname for me "Buck Tooth" because my two front teeth were bigger than most beavers.


War Times

During the 1914's I was drafted into the light beaver infantry core. During basic beaver military training ("BBMT") I was considered one of the best swimmers in my whole beaver battalion! I was most certainly proud of that!

When we were sent over I was really scared, so scared that I developed some weird shakes in my tail. At times when I wouldn't even know that I was nervous or scared, my tail would just start smacking the ground very fast! It was strange, but I tried hiding it from the other beavers but it didn't take long for the other beavers to notice and start giving me nicknames... The clapper... because my tail would make a clapping sound everytime it hit the ground.


Great Depression